Charles Despiau
Woman asleep
Signed: C. despiau
28 x 42 cm
Charles Despiau
Seated Young Man
Red pencil
Signed: C. Despiau
H. 32, W. 24 cm
Charles Despiau
Assia, 1936
Plaster proof
Dedicated and signed : « A Georges Wildenstein / bien cordialement / C. Despiau »
H. 184 cm
Charles Despiau
Mademoiselle Andrée Basler, also known as Dédé, 1923
Bronze proof, number 3/6, probably cast before 1929
Black patina
Signed and numbered on the back, on the lower right: C. Despiau 3/6
Founder's stamp on the back, on the lower right: "CIRE/C. VALSUANI/PERDUE" ("WAX/C. VALSUANI/LOST"—meaning that this is a lost wax cast by Valsuani)
H. 28.5, W. 18.5, D. 21 cm
Charles Despiau
Eve, 1923
Plaster d’état, with patina
79 x 26 x 18,1 cm
Charles Despiau
Bust of Alice Derain, version cut under the neck without necklace, 1922
Plaster unique proof
Signed: C. Despiau
33 x 21 x 25 cm
Charles Despiau
Spring or Seated Nude, 1923-1925
Bronze proof, # 2/3
Lost-wax cast by Claude Valsuani
Signed: C. Despiau
Label from the Barbazange Gallery with the number 68
H. 71; W. 30; D. 37 cm
Charles Despiau
Academy of a man
Signed: C. Despiau
Inscribed : to the great founder Alexis Rudier with all my friendship
H. 35 ; W. 22 cm
Charles Despiau
Head of Madame Despiau (Marie Rudel), vers 1899
Unique Plaster
Damage at the back, on the right below the chignon
H 25,5 x L 22,5 x P 21,5 cm